Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

sex saat hamil

berhubungan intim saat hamil apa boleh? apakah tidak membahayakan janin? mungkin pemikiran seperti itu kerap kali menghantui pasangan yang ingin melakukan hubungan senggama terutama pasangan muda, namun kondisi sang istri sedang hamil.padahal kedua belah pihak benar benar ingin melakukan namun terganjal oleh kondisi sang istri yang telah hamil tadi.

tips Cara Membuat Suami Puas Di Ranjang

 dalam kehidupan rumah tannga sex adalah suatu kebutuhan memegang peran yang tidak bisa di anggap remeh tak jarang sering kita dengar perselingkuhan terjadi hanya karena kurangnya komunikasi suami-istri,alhasil ketidak puasan terjadi dan pasangan yang tidak "setia" akan mencari kepuasan di luar "rumah".
berikut beberapa tips Cara Membuat Suami Puas Di Ranjang & puas yang bisa anda

bagaimana memuaskan istri diranjang

pernahkah anda berfikir bagaimana memuaskan istri anda diranjang? mungkin hanya sebagian kecil dari para suami/pria yang akan memperhatikan hal ini, karena jika mau jujur pria itu egois. kebanyakan dari mereka hanya mau dilayani tapi seidikit sekali yang mau melayani. itu semua karena seolah sang suami adalah raja mereka yang memgang kendali dan lain sebagainya. padahal dalam rumah tangga satu dan lainnya adalah saling berkaitan dan saling membutuhkan.

jika saat ini anda berfikir bahwa istri anda juga memerlukan kepuasan yang sama maka anda para suami perlu memperhatikan beberapa hal berikut ini:

1. pastikan tubuh anda benar benar fit/ kondisi prima

yah semua itu bertujuan agar jagan sampai anda berhenti ditengah jalan karena anda sudah tidak lagi mampu melayani istri dalam permainan ini, untuk itu semua anda perlu mmengonsumsi makanan yang memang benar-benar bisa membantu anda dalam meningkatkan hormon testosteron, hormon ini sangat penting sebagai penunjang kejantanan pria. nah untk itu ada baiknya anda mengonsumsi:

 >Buah, adapun buah yang memang terkenal sebagai pembangkit testosteron antara lain
  -Apel, aprikot,Alpukat, pisang, ceri, kelapa, kurma,  anggur, mangga, pepaya, persik, pir, plum,       delima, raspberry dan strawberry.

 >sayuran berikut juga layak anda jadikan menu anda Asparagus, wortel, seledri, jagung, ketimun, wortel, terung, tomat, kacang-kacangan/kecambah, bawang putih, peterseli, paprika, kedelai, bayam, lobak dan selada air, kemangi, serta beberapa sayuran yang berbentuk lonjong memanjang

 >daging beberapa daging juga diperlukan baik daging ayam, kalkun, kambing/domba. untuk yang satu ini jangan sampai anda berlebihan karena kita tahu bahwa jika berlebih akan menimbulkan hal yang malah sebaliknya. ada baiknya jika anda memilih dari jenis organik.

jika dari semua itu belum tercukupi anda bisa menambahkan asupan vitamin dan suplement lainyan antara lain vit. A, B, C, dan E, serta mineral seperti: selenium, mangan dan seng yang memang sangat berguna dalam hal ini, mengosumsi keju juga dipercaya akan membantu meningkatkan testosteron

2. suasana

pastikan anda bisa menciptakan suasana yang benar- benar mendukung untuk melakukanmya, tidak ada salahnya jika sebelum anda beraksi anda ajak dia makan malam dan kemudaian anda bercanda selayaknya masih pacaran dulu. tentu itu akan mebuat suasana makin menyenangkan dan benar- benar bisa "membakar" sang istri

3. pemansan

yah ini memang penting sekali karena kebanyakan wanita akan benar-benar menikmati pada fase ini, jadi usahakan anda melakukanya dengan ritme yang benar- benar ia sukai jangan terburu. perhatikan ekspresi pasangan untuk benar benar bisa menguasai keadaan.

dan selanjutnya anda bisa tentukan kemana semua akan berakhir dan hal yang terpenting setelah anda mencapai puncak jangan langsung tinggalkan dia sendiri tapi berilah dia penghargaan kecil semisal kecupan kecil dikeningnya akan sangat berarti bagi dia.

sebisa mungkin jangan konsumsi obat kuat karena ini akan membuat ketrgantungan tapi lebih disarankan anda mengonsumsi suplemen dan vitamin juga olah raga teratur akan sangat membantu vitalitas anda




Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

15 Things Wives Should Stop Doing

In the 1960s, The Supremes recorded their hit melody "Stop! In the Name of Love!"  I recall singing the words as a young person:  "Before you make me extremely upset …  think it o-o-ver … "

Despite the fact that I've been hitched throughout recent decades, its still imperative for me to consider my spouse's requirements. I ought to consider the conceivable impacts of my indiscreet words, demeanor, and activities before I make him extremely upset. Could you recognize?

I asked a few sweethearts, "What ought to a wife quit doing on the off chance that she needs to enhance her marriage?" This rundown is in light of their reactions.

1. Quit imagining that your way is the "right" way. On the off chance that he does something any other way, it doesn't imply that its off-base. At the point when a wife demands having her own specific manner, she is basically saying, "I must be in control."

2. Try not to put others before your spouse. God planned fellowship in marriage with the goal that a spouse and wife can address each other's issue for a nearby, close, human relationship. He even said in Genesis 2:18, "It is bad that the man ought to be distant from everyone else."

So what happens when you put your mom, a companion, or even a kid before your mate? Really, you make a stride (regularly unexpected) toward disengagement in your marriage. On the off chance that you pick, for instance, to go through an evening shopping with your mother when your spouse requesting that you watch a football game with him, you may leave hubby feeling that he has second place in your heart.

3. Try not to anticipate that your spouse will be your sweetheart. Most men and ladies look changed physically, as well as have one of a kind methods for transforming life. One sample of this is the requirement for discussion. I don't think about you, however now and then I'm liable of destroying my spouse with innumerable conversational subtle elements that he doesn't generally think about. Presently on the off chance that he were a sweetheart, those subtle elements would unquestionably matter!

4. Try not to shame your spouse. Recommendations included: Stop all pestering and don't revise hubby before others. On the off chance that you complete your spouse's sentences, you may be unexpectedly imparting, "I don't generally think about what you need to say."

5. Quit anticipating that your spouse should come up short you as your father fizzled your mother. "I spent numerous years sitting tight for my spouse to surrender and leave me, similar to my father had years before," said one companion. Her unwarranted apprehensions had victimized her marriage of much happiness.

6. Try not to put your spouse on edge. Case in point, on the off chance that you are driving around a segment of town searching for an eatery and he's clearly lost, does it truly help for you to let him know that he's been going around the same square for the fifth time? One astute wife said that she's figured out how to be calm in circumstances like this. Presently, before she makes a remark, she measures her words—asking herself: "Are my words required? Would they be empowering?" Proverbs 10:19 says, "When words are numerous, transgression is not missing, but rather whoever controls his lips is reasonable."

7. Never utilize sex to deal with your spouse. A few ladies deliberately or inadvertently say to their spouses, "When I get what I need, you get sex." However, 1 Corinthians 7:4-5 reminds spouses and wives that their bodies are not their own. "Try not to deny each other … "

8. Quit reminding your spouse about things again and again. Try not to make him feel remorseful or nitpick him about little stuff. One companion said that when we continually remind our spouses about eating routine, weight, solution, getting the laundry, and so on., we are really acting more like his mom than his wife.

9. Try not to make your spouse gain your admiration. Numerous ladies think, I'll regard him when he wins it. However, there's a reason that Ephesians 5:33 says, "Let the wife see that she regards her spouse."  As one companion said: "If ladies could figure out how to comprehend that regard is a man's local tongue, that it completely recuperates his heart and pastors to him like nothing else, it would have the greatest effect on the planet."

10. Quit giving your spouse your long haul schedule. An associate cautions against overpowering your spouse with an excess of data. You might unexpectedly make him feel like a disappointment, imagining that your not insignificant rundown implies you are discontent. On the other hand, he might mistakenly accept that you need him to do something quickly.

11. Try not to act like your mate is a brain peruser. Rather, be particular about your solicitations. One occupied mother said that she used to feel overpowered with family errands, wishing her mate would help her. She now understands that the main way he knows her needs is the point at which she lets him know. "Frequently," she says, "when I basically say, 'Nectar, will you tuck the children in today while I get the kitchen cleaned up,' he is happy to help." She's found that a couple of words are all it takes "to change a hatred filled, pushed out night into a collaboration holding time."

12. Quit putting housework in front of hubby. One youthful mother advised her spouse that she would not like to make love one night on the grounds that she had quite recently washed the bed covers and she needed them to stay clean. What do you believe that reaction said to her spouse? Another lady, who puts her spouse in front of the housework, said: "Don't leave the unfolded clothing on your marriage bed."

13. Put an end to leads the pack on the grounds that you think he won't take it. "The primary numerous years of our marriage," one wife said, "I would see what expected to be done and get disappointed that my spouse would not assume responsibility and accomplish it." She went ahead to say that she's changed by figuring out how to wait on her spouse's administration. "I truly accept," she says, "that our men don't lead in light of the fact that we ladies are so fast it couldn't be possible hop in and deal with it all."

Ephesians 5:23 says, "For the spouse is the leader of the wife even as Christ is the leader of the congregation, his body …  ."

14. Try not to anticipate that your spouse will be Prince Charming. As it would turn out, the ideal spouse just exists in children's stories and your marriage exists, all things considered. One youthful wife said that as opposed to concentrating on her spouse's inadequacies, she's figured out how to perceive the heavenly things about him. What's been the outcome? He's been urged to do significantly more to be the man she had always wanted.

15. Never look first to a book, an arrangement, or an individual to settle an issue in your marriage. Rather go to God's Word and accept and follow up on the things that He says. "He will lead me to any assets I require," one lady said. "God has effectively issued us all that we requirement forever and piety (2 Peter 1:3) yet we need to live as per the guarantees and anticipate that Him will appea